Playboy Magazine August 2001
Playboy Magazine August 2001

Playboy Magazine August 2001

The magic of musicals can never go because they transcend language barriers.

Playboy Magazine August 2001

Music is like healing owing to the powerful vibrations that can alter moods, revive happy memories and evoke strong emotions including love or even sadness. Why can’t musicals be irrelevant ever? A still from Wizard of Oz. For people who have a major main character energy, grooving with musical films is a perfect antidote to a dull day. Won’t it be incredible if we could break into a dance routine while doing the most mundane of tasks? It makes situations less stressful and more enjoyable. These definitive gems should be powerful enough to bring back happy memories and ultimately touch your soul. The driving factor of a musical film is its songs which stay with you long after you have watched the film. The success of good musical films depends largely on a characteristic feel-good factor which can make you forget reality even if that is for a few seconds.

Playboy Magazine August 2001

Music interwoven in cinema plays a potent tool in taking the story forward coupled with a hearty song-and-dance routine that is like a dream for movie lovers with a penchant for watching something light, romantic and lyrical all at the same time. Larger-than-life, majestic in its scope and largely escapist, a musical movie leaves fans awestruck with both its warmth and budget.

Playboy Magazine August 2001